Sunday Morning Resources

Thank you for joining us!

We’d love for you to communicate with us…
Please use the links, below, to let us know that you are with us today, view our Worship Guide, or share a Prayer Request…

I’m HERE / Prayer Request Please fill out our Intouch Card. We would like to know that you were with us this week and would like to connect and help you grow in the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Sunday Worship Guide The Worship Guide will help you navigate the elements of our Service today and also includes Ministry Announcements and Ministry Points-of-Contact. PDF of the Sunday Worship Guide.

Sermon Outline

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The Link

Keep me informed with the weekly email newsletter, “The Link”. The Link comes out every week on Thursday.

After our service today…

For a detailed list of our Adult Sunday Morning Classes go to Adult Christian Education.

Middle School
Ministry Center Room 2

High School
Ministry Center Basement

Children’s Pre-K—5th Gr
Please see list at Welcome Desk for locations