Below you will find study questions that are available in two formats: Adobe PDF (PDF) and Microsoft Word (DOCX). If you would like to listen to the sermon in relation to this weeks text, go to recent sermons.

Study questions will be posted as they become available.

09-08-2024Brighter, Deeper, GreaterMatthew 5:11-20PDF    DOCX
09-15-2024Love and the Image of GodMatthew 5:21-26PDF    DOCX
09-22-2024Love and LustMatthew 5:27-30PDF    DOCX
09-29-2024Love and MarriageMatthew 5:31, 32PDF    DOCX
10-06-2024IntegrityMatthew 5:33-37PDF    DOCX
10-13-2024Love Your EnemiesMatthew 5:38-48PDF    DOCX
10-20-2024Prayer and the PoorMatthew 6:1-15PDF   DOCX
10-27-2024FastingMatthew 6:16-18PDF   DOCX
11-3-2024Treasure vs. MoneyMatthew 6:19-34PDF   DOCX
11-10-2024Reading HeartsMatthew 7:1-6PDF   DOCX
11-17-2024How to Find the WayMatthew 7:7-14PDF   DOCX
11-24-2024Straight and NarrowMatthew 7:13-14PDF   DOCX
12-01-2024Three Ways to LiveMatthew 7:13-27PDF   DOCX