Christian Service Brigade

The Christian Service Brigade (CSB) program is a ministry to men and boys in local evangelical churches. Its goal is to build Men for Christ’s service. CSB started in Glen Ellyn, Illinois in 1937. Today, over 1000 churches operate Brigade programs all across North America. CSB is a combination of six distinct programs, three of which are offered here at Severna Park Evangelical Presbyterian Church: Tree Climbers (1st and 2nd grade boys and their dads), Stockade (3rd through 6th grade boys), and Battalion (7th through 12th grade boys).

In addition to the weekly Tree Climber and Stockade meetings, both groups participate in combined monthly activities such as
marksmanship, rocketry, Shape ‘n Race, and the fall and spring overnight camping trips.
Register for Stockade Here
Tree Climbers and Stockade meet on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:30 at the same time Battalion meets.
Weekly meetings run from late September to mid-May.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact [email protected]