Prayer Opportunities

SPEP has prayer partners through out the church family that believes prayer is important and powerful. We have several opportunities for you to join us. If you would like to attend any of our events please email the Prayer Leadership Team.

Events that happen each week:

Wed Night Group meets to sing and pray:
Please join us for Wednesday Night Prayer from 7:00 to 8:00pm weekly via Zoom.  Just call the Church Office and ask to be added to the Wednesday Night Prayer Group in SPEP connect. Emails reminders are sent out weekly with the Zoom invite. We hope to be meeting in person soon, but plan to continue using Zoom also for those who do not drive at night or need more time to adjust to meeting in person.

Saturday Men’s Group Prayer

Individual Prayer after Sunday Service (available for whoever needs to pray)

24 Hour Day of Prayer – 1st of each month 

On the first of each month, we aim to cover the 24 hours of the day in prayer.
We encourage you to pray using this Prayer Guide during this time as you are lead.

Half Day of Prayer

          Promoting individual prayer and relationship building with God.


Staff and Officer Monthly Prayer 

Group or Individual opportunity to pray for the staff and officers of SPEP

Crisis Prayer

For prayer request during office hours between 8:30-4:00, call the office at 410-544-5013. Should you have a CRISIS prayer request after hours, call the church number and there will be a process for connecting you to Jeanne Beans during the evening, weekends or through the night. Should Jeanne be unavailable, your prayer request will go to voicemail and picked up by a SPEP Staff person.

Congregational Life Events


Pastoral Search Committee

The search committee is asking for us to pray for them. The pdf list of prayers is here.

February Month of Prayer

Congregational wide prayer for our church ministries, and leaders.


National Day of Prayer – Check on their website for the latest information.



For additional information or to attend any of our events please email the Prayer Leadership Team.